Liturgical Ministries: Our parish is blessed with a large number of men, women and children who have answered the call to serve in one of our Liturgical Ministries. All volunteers are given training and direction appropriate for their service. The parish is always glad to welcome new faces to our ministries: Choirs, Cantors, Instrumentalists, Lectors, Ushers, Communion Ministers, Altar Servers, Children's Liturgy, Question of the Week, Petitions of the Week, Baptism Teams.
Sacraments: An important part of our mission is to celebrate the sacraments with richness, liveliness, and hospitality.
Funeral Planning: We offer sincere and deep sympathies on the death of your loved one. The entire parish staff will do all that we can to make this difficult time a little easier. You may have received a St. Clare's funeral planning guide from your funeral director. If not, we have placed a copy here for your convenience. We have also included some other information that may be of help to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the parish office.
Wedding Planning: Congratulations and best wishes from everyone at the parish! Please contact the parish office as soon as possible, so you can schedule the wedding and begin your marriage preparations. Here is more information about planning your wedding liturgy.
Eucharistic Exposition -- 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Monday-Friday (chapel)
Blue Army -- First Saturday Devotions following 9:00 AM Mass, first Saturday of each month
Miraculous Medal Novena -- After the 8:15 AM and 9:00 AM Masses on Mondays
St. Anthony Novena -- Thirteen Tuesdays prior to June 13 after the 8:15 AM and 9:00 AM Masses.
The Adult Choir sings at 11:30 AM Mass on Sundays in the Church. Practice is on Thursdays at 7:30 PM in Church. All high school age and up are welcome to join.
The Children’s Choir sings at 10:00 AM Mass on Sundays. Practice is on Thursday afternoons. Open to any child interested in singing for God.
George Poppe, Director of Music
Adults and teens who have a love of scripture and a desire to share it are trained to proclaim the readings at Sunday Mass and other parish liturgies. Lectors are scheduled in a rotation through all Mass times.Training is provided.
Contact the rectory at 718-984-7873
Our ushers are ministers of hospitality, who help parishioners feel welcomed in the Church, assist in maintaining order, receive the offerings of the faithful and help in any emergency situation. Open to men and women, teens and older.
Contact the rectory at 718-984-7873
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Our communion ministers are trained and commissioned parishioners who assist the priests and deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion, either at mass or on visits to the homebound or hospitalized. Selected parishioners are invited by the pastor to pray about the possibility of their serving in this special capacity, for the good of the worshiping community. When the candidate feels positive toward responding to the invitation they are requested to attend preparation sessions.
Contact the rectory at 718-984-7873
Altar Servers
St. Clare Parish has over 80 girls and boys in grades 5 thru 8 and high school serving at the altar. Training sessions begin in September and continue through November with a formal installation on the Third Sunday of Advent. As servers, our young people are invited to grow in their understanding of the importance of prayer and liturgy in their lives. Through their service around the Eucharistic table, the servers are encouraged to bring Christ into all they do--at home, in school, and on the ball fields.
Children from kindergarten through second grade participate during the 10:00 A.M. Mass each Sunday. Children attend Mass with their parents and are invited to hear the Liturgy of the Word under the guidance and instruction of parishioners trained in this ministry. Prayer, song, readings, and activities appropriate to the children's ages are prepared by the ministers in the spirit of that Sunday's scripture. Subsequent to the Prayer of the Faithful, children return to the assembly. This early experience with worship has resulted in many children being involved in various youth activities and ministries of the parish.
Contact the rectory at 718-984-7873