2024-2025 SEASON
Grades Pre K and K
(6 weeks) basketball clinics will be on Saturdays 9/21,10/5,10/12,10/19,11/2, 11/9, 11:00-12:00
Make check payable to St. Clare for 120.00
Registration will take place Thursday 9/19 or Friday 9/20. 4:00-5:00 Cardinal Cook Center
Grade 1
(6 weeks) basketball clinics will be on Saturdays 9/21,10/5,10/12,10/19,11/2, 11/9, 10:00-11:00
Make check payable to St. Clare for 120.00
Registration will take place Thursday 9/19 or Friday 9/20. 4:00-5:00 Cardinal Cook Center
Make check payable to St. Clare for 120.00
Registration will take place Thursday 9/19 or Friday 9/20. 4:00-5:00 Cardinal Cook Center
Sponsor the basketball program. Sponsor Intramural League have your business on the jerseys!!
Lead by Example. Show your kids you are involved as a volunteer!!!!!
Parents / Grandparents and college students are welcome.
Please contact:
Gerard Nicholson at [email protected]
Basketball Committee
Gerard Nicholson, Renee Nicholsont
Gerard Novello, Jerry Sheehan
Linda Rohrbacher, John Valenti
Anthony Bentivegna, Robert Rieb
John Vero, Sal Assante, Philip Mafaro,,Liz Blanchard Recine